College Board nominations

Election Information

Faculty, students, and support staff may not hold an elected position on both the College Board and Education Council concurrently.

Each candidate is required to act reasonably, responsibly and in good faith; and shall be required to ensure they are aware of and comply with, all rules, policies and procedures of the College. To ensure fairness, integrity, and professionalism, candidates will conduct themselves in accordance with all relevant College and representative group policies, and shall abide by all election and campaign regulations, rules and/or guidelines established by the Registrar. Once elected to the College Board, representatives are expected to act in the best interests of the College.

2024 College Board By-Election

A by-election is being conducted to fill the following position on the College Board. Click on the category below for more information and the appropriate nomination form.


Student Representatives

According to the College and Institute Act, a student is defined as "a person the Registrar recognizes to be enrolled and in good standing in a course or program of studies at the institution". For the purposes of elections, a student is an individual who is enrolled in at least one credit course and in good standing at the institution.

  • One (1) student representative will be elected from the students at large
  • Term of office commences September 1, 2024 and ends August 31, 2025
    • During the term of office, a student representative must:
      • Maintain registration in at least one credit course at the College for at least two (2) semesters of the term of office.
      • Not withdraw or be required to withdraw from the College

Nomination Instructions:

  • Read the Elections Rules and Procedures
  • Complete the nomination form.
  • Each nominee must be supported by fifteen (15) currently registered credit students:
    • nominee must submit fifteen (15) separate forms (one from each student nominator)
  • Election Platform Statement
    • Each nominee is required to supply a brief platform statement of no more than 250 words which will be posted on the College Board Election website
  • Completed nomination forms and platform statement must be submitted in ONE email to no later than 4:00 PM Wednesday, October 16, 2024 with subject header marked:
    • Attn: Registrar - College Board By-Election - Student