Grad Stories

Robyn Crawford

Class of 2015

Robyn Crawford


鶹Ƶ’s Theatre program was exactly what I needed to learn about voice, movement, and body work. I use all of those tools in my career now as a Anchor/Reporter at Global News Radio, CKNW.  Even though I took a different route after the program and became a broadcaster, I use the theatre training I got at Douglas every day at my job. The teachers are relentlessly helpful, the community of people you meet become lifelong friends, and the amount f confidence you gain is incredible. I would recommend the program not just for someone who wants to become an actor, but for someone who wants to hone their stage skills for all aspects of life. 


Jordy Matheson

Class of 2014

Jordy Matheson



"I attended 鶹Ƶ right out of high school, 2012-2014, and in that time I performed as Macbeth (Number 3) in an experimental version of the Scottish Play, and as Jack Worthing in the Importance of Being Earnest. Since then I've gone on to act, direct, write, and produce projects with the Pull Festival, Arts Club LEAP Program, UBC Players Club, Zee Zee Theatre and others. Studying at 鶹Ƶ, and the tools I acquired here, were an invaluable base for all my work. It was the perfect program for me, unsure of what I wanted to do, but ready to learn. My time at 鶹Ƶ helped me become a more mature artist, in no small part thanks to the guidance of its teachers.  This is part of the reason I return every few years - once to act, once as dramaturg. Each time feels like a home coming. Each time I feel welcome. So, welcome!"


Stefano Giulianetti

Class of 1997

Stefano Giulianetti


"My two years at Douglas in the Theatre Program were a vital stepping stone at the beginning of the long journey of my performance career. Even after graduation, the continued moral support by the teachers (such as Allan Lysell) and other professionals I worked with while at Douglas was integral to help guide the next steps into the professional field.  They were able to give concrete real-world advice and recommendations that helped open up opportunities I was too ‘green’ to see. Looking back upon a 20 year career in the performing arts, it is a pleasure to know I still have a relationship with the people and the place where I got my start and began honing my performance skills.

My career has included professional live theatre, television, film, voice overs, corporate entertainment, producing and teaching. I have toured across Canada, performed in multiple languages, and sustained over two decades of entertainment as a primary job. The philosophies and skills I learned are still at the core of my work and will continue to foster more learning.

I have since also returned to teach and advise current students and have had the pleasure of working with some of those grads who are now peers in the field."


Amanda Sellers

Amanda Sellers


Amanda Sellers attended 鶹Ƶ Theatre program in 1999. She toured the US and Canada with her band for year, continued with commercial work and has been working full time as a professional voice talent for over 10 years. Her clients include Avon, Pepsi, Conair, Cisco, Warner's bras, Hasbro, Sunny D, Apple, Nike and more! Amanda started her career as a singer/songwriter, releasing 3 albums and touring Canada and the US with her band. She's spent time behind the mic as a radio DJ and has also spent time in from of the camera for various TV hosting gigs. Amanda loves sharing her home based business with her husband Mike who started out as her producer, but is now a full time voice talent. She also created The VoiceOver Family ( with her husband and 2 young boys, Beck and Trace. 


Nina Dosdall

Class of 2016

Nina Dosdall



"鶹Ƶ's Theatre Program is likely one of the best kept secrets in B.C.'s acting industry. The faculty not only bring an enormous amount of experienceand passion to the course work but also a deep investment in each and every student. My only regret is that I didn't take this program earlier – it has served in every single aspect of my life. It has given me confidence and flair in my side role as a Personal Trainer as well as with my creating writing. It also helped mefind a job with the Vancouver Fringe Festival. In the acting field, this program noticeably gave me a leg up: I acquired numerous acting projects, had positive feedback from my agent and fellow performers and overall felt more prepared in this hard-to-navigate field.

In every way, this program was worth the investment, both on a personal and professional level. I'd recommend it to anyone looking to increase their self-awareness, stage presence and, of course, professionalism in acting.” 


Michael Bernard

Class of 2015

Michael Bernard



"The Theatre program at 鶹Ƶ is, in short, fantastic. The faculty go above and beyond with their students. They are incredibly caring, understandingand will help facilitate your growth as an actor and, more importantly, as a person. The skills and lessons this program taught – and continues to teach me – have given me confidence and techniques that have proved to be invaluable in my artistic endeavours."


Jaimee Armstrong

Class of 2016

Jaimee Armstrong



“My two years at Douglas were an amazing experience. I’ve learned a lot about my acting abilities and about myself as a person. I loved being part of a groupof people that supported each other every step of the way. The instructors always inspired me and created a positive and safe place for us. Since graduating from Douglas, I'm on my way becoming a theatre and social studies teacher, because I could not imagine my life without a little bit of drama.”


Aaron Holt

Class of 2014 

Aaron Holt



“The instructors at Douglas challenged me to grow in ways I didn't even know were possible, both as a person and as a performer.  I loved the hands-onapproach that my teachers took with my learning.  I started off as a shy performer, very unsure of myself, but this program gave me the tools and confidence to chase my dreams.  The lessons I learned here will be with me for the rest of my life.”


Faedra Mirhashemy

Class of 2014

Faedra Mirhashemy



“After receiving my theatre diploma from 鶹Ƶ, I completed my degree through the Bachelor of Performing Arts program, partnered with Capilano University.  Since graduation, I began working in the film and television industry as a production assistant. Some shows I've worked on include The X-Files, The Good Doctor, Supernatural and Van Helsing. Currently, I'm working as a trainee assistant director on an American television drama series, Siren. I'm also an associate member of The Directors Guild of Canada. 

My education at Douglas has prepared me for my role as an assistant director.  The long hours of each shift resembles the time we devoted to rehearsals for the Fall/Winter productions. The commitment of starting and finishing a project, coupled with learning how to collaborate effectively with others, are skills I became familiar with as a student and use in my work today.”


Madelyn Osborne

Class of 2013

Madelyn Osborne


 “鶹Ƶ created the safe and supportive space I needed to explore, fail and grow as an artist. With faculty that goes above and beyond, I was able todiscover my love of directing leading to a career as a freelance director, choreographer and producer. The arts can be a difficult industry to break into, but with the guidance of the community I cultivated at Douglas I was able to approach jobs and auditions feeling completely prepared. Just after graduation I was offered the opportunity to assistant director a show at Douglas under the mentorship of Thrasso Petras. This mentorship has continued throughout my career and has led to other job opportunities. Some of these credits include; assistant directing for The Beaux Stratagem (Kathleen Duborg, United Players), Bard of the Bronx (Kathleen Duborg, 鶹Ƶ), A Macbeth, Waiting for the Parade, Importance of Being Earnest (Thrasso Petras, 鶹Ƶ) and associate producing and volunteer coordination for the award winning Iceland directed by Kathleen Duborg and produced by Thrasso Petras. With the help of these beginner gigs I was able to see professionals at work and learnt how to craft my own style of creation. Now working as a freelance director some of my work has included directing and choreographing Mr.Burns: A Post-Electric Play, The Mystery Plays (Little Mountain Lion), Asking Alice, ENTERTAINME! (MOMS Collective), Titillations (Shift Theatre Festival) and Disposable Generation (The Only Animal). I now work year round for the two largest theatre festivals in BC (Bard on the Beach & PuSH Festival) while pursuing my own theatre and performance arts collective, MOMS. I would not have the confidence and connections I have today without my time at Douglas. It continues to be a place I can go back to for support and guidance and gave me lasting mentorships that shape my career.”