Institute of Urban Ecology

Contact us:



Facebook: Urban Ecology (IUE)

Instagram: @IUEATDC

LinkedIn: Urban Ecology

Monthly Newsletter: 

Free workshops

Schools and community groups of all ages can book a free environmental education workshop adapted to follow the BC curriculum core competencies. 

We also host monthly free workshops on the last Monday of each month.  These workshops are aimed at a more adult audience but anyone is welcome to join!  Find out what is happening this month.

Urban Ecology Research

You can join our citizen science team!  People of all ages, all across the province are welcome to help us collect data on a newly introduced beetle species from Europe.

Research projects

The IUE also undertakes a variety of research projects related to urban sustainability issues. Recent and current projects include: Biological Control of Greenhouse Pests, which is seeking to develop biological controls for greenhouse pests like aphids and tomato psyllids; Ground Beetles in Urban Habitat Fragments, where these beetles act as bioindicators of habitat health; and our Beetle Watch Citizen Science project, where people from all across BC can sign up to help us track the spread of a newly introduced beetle species from Europe.

We have a seed library!

We've harvested seeds from our Sustainability, Outreach and Learning (Sol) Garden in Coquitlam and we are ready to share them with you!  The Sol Garden specializes in providing urban gardeners with the tools and resources they need to make their home gardens more sustainable!  We have pollinator friendly flowers, native, noninvasive species, drought tolerant plants, wildlife friendly habitat and a sacred Indigenous medicinal garden, just to name a few!  Our plants will help you turn your yard into a Westcoast rainforest oasis!  We even have a that will help you learn how to harvest and clean seeds from your own plants.  For a full list of available seeds and more information click the image to the right or email us at

Staff Members

Dr. Jessica Clasen Faculty Coordinator

Naomi Higo IUE Coordinator