
Reading and Writing Intermediate Level 2

Language, Literature & Performing Arts
English Upgrading
Course Code
ENGU 0390
Semester Length
Max Class Size
Method(s) Of Instruction
Typically Offered
To be determined


Course Description
This is an integrated reading and writing course that prepares students to meet the prerequisites of ENGU 480 and ENGU 0455. It is designed for students who need to develop comprehension of academic text and the expression of ideas in a variety of formats, including academic essays. The course is appropriate for students who are preparing to enter vocational or career programs at a college level, or to enter the sequence of preparatory courses for university transfer reading and writing work. Reading skills will focus on summing up main points, analyzing points of view and responding critically. Reading material used will be at an introductory college level. Writing work will require students to make use of concepts and analyses from their reading work and to employ these in developing academic organization, content and language in their writing.
Course Content


Standard Written Expression

• use mechanics and punctuation (end marks, commas, apostrophes, quotation marks, semi-colons, and capital letters, etc.);

• avoid usage errors (verb forms, agreement, pronoun reference, etc.).

Syntactic and Semantic Control

• use a variety of sentence construction (simple, compound, complex and compound-complex sentences);

• avoid of sentence errors (fragments, run-ons, faulty parallelism, dangling modifiers, etc.);

• use abstract and specific language;

• choose appropriate words (formality, connotation, precision, etc.).

Prewriting Strategies

• understand  instructions for assignments;

• choose and narrow topics;

• compose thesis and topic sentences;

• gather evidence and make notes;

• adjust content and style of writing to suit purpose, audience, and situation;

• generate ideas and access information; 

• set purpose and recognize needs of the audience;

• plan design and organize material;

• use drafting techniques;

• obtain and use feedback for redrafting and editing;

• proofread and produce final copy.  

Drafting Strategies

• construct beginnings and endings;

• adjust content and style of write to suit purpose, audience, and situation;

• make connections and transitions between ideas in a text;

• insert quotations;

• document sources and avoid plagiarism.

Revising Strategies

• use feedback to revise drafts;

• revise and edit work to improve content, organization, word choice;

• proofread for grammar, sentence structure, spelling, and punctuation;

• recognize and edit for clichés, jargon, slang, and wordiness;

• use sentence variety;

• use parallel constructions and correct misplaced or dangling modifiers;

• prepare final documents; gather, evaluate, and organize  information into an essay

• use appropriate documentation (MLA or APA)

Writing Formats

• Write paragraphs and essays in a variety of rhetorical modes including exposition and persuasion.

• Write a summary.


• identify main ideas;

• differentiate main ideas from supporting detail;

• acquire content-area vocabulary and terminology;

• use context clues and word structure analysis (prefix, suffix, root) to determine meaning;

• recognize author's tone, intent, and point of view;

• make comparisons and synthesize ideas from different sources;

• critically evaluate a source, make inferences, and draw conclusions;

• distinguish fact from opinion;



• identify cause and effect;

• make comparisons;

• synthesize ideas from different sources;

• analyze organization of text structure as an aid to comprehension;

• develop  note-taking skills;

• develop flexibility in reading speed.

Learning Activities

A combination of different instructional methods will be used in order to balance instructional efficiency with individual student needs.

These methods will include lecture presentation, large and small group discussion, learning activities, individual assistance (in scheduled appointments), computer-assisted learning, and student-directed learning.

Means of Assessment

Students will receive on-going feedback from the instructor throughout the course.

Students’ success will be graded as mastery or experience (mastery set at 70%).  

Grading criteria will include:

• Summaries worth no more than 20%

• Paragraphs worth no more than 20%

• Miscellaneous short writing assignments ( journals, writing responses, etc.) worth no more than 15%

• Oral presentation worth no more than 10%

• Minimum of  2 essays, each worth no more than 25%

• 80% of the course will be integrated reading and writing assignments or examinations. 


Learning Outcomes


The aims of the course are for students to:

• understand and use the steps of the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and proofreading;

• gather ideas; 

• define and narrow a topic;

• evaluate, select and organize source materials;

• organize/outline a document;

• adjust content and style of writing to suit purpose, audience and situation;

• revise and edit work to improve content, organization, word choice, phrasing, sentence and paragraph structure, spelling and punctuation;

• write a summary;

• write a response journal;

• write essays (750 to 1000 words).

• understand and avoid plagiarism.

Reading, Research and Reference 

• use context clues and word structure analysis (prefix, suffix, root) to determine meaning;

• recognize homonyms, antonyms and synonyms;

• use a dictionary and a thesaurus to expand vocabulary;

• read to locate main idea and specific information;

• use a variety of reference materials;

• use in-book reference tools (index, table of contents, glossary);

• use skimming and scanning techniques;

• develop skills in outlining and note-taking;

• recognize point of view, illogical argument, fallacies, stereotypes, bias and propaganda.

Critical and Creative Thinking

• recall and interpret information;

• identify topic, main ideas, supporting ideas and logical sequence;


• make inferences;

• compare and contrast;



• draw conclusions;

• analyze information and solve problems (create solutions, identify impact of solutions, modify solutions);

• identify and discuss examples of fact and of opinion;

• support a position.

Speaking and Listening

• ask questions to clarify meaning;

• demonstrate effective listening and paraphrasing skills;

• use voice and body language effectively;

• respond effectively to listener feedback;

• deliver an effective oral presentation to inform or persuade; 

• provide useful input and feedback in a variety of situations (peer editing, group discussion, classroom participation).

Computer Literacy 

• use computer programs to create, edit and publish;

• use electronic communication; 

• format assignments appropriately.

Co-operative Communication

• establish co-operative working relationships with others;

• recognize and respect diversity and individual differences; 

• establish goals and priorities;

• respond appropriately to thoughts, opinions, non-verbal cues and work of others; 

• challenge assumptions constructively.

Media Literacy

• identify and track a theme, topic, or specified content from a variety of media;

• interpret common graphics (graphs, charts, tables);

• review a book, movie, play, television program, documentary, piece of music or other non-print material.

Textbook Materials

Current edtiions of the following may be required:

Students may be required to purchase a textbook, course pack and USB.

Suggested texts: 

Brandon, L. (1998). Paragraphs and Essays. Boston, MA & New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin Co.

Langan, J. (2011). Sentence Skills: A Workplace for Writers. New York, NY: McGraw Hill Companies Inc.

Langan, J. (2011). Ten Steps To Building College Reading Skills. West Berlin, NJ: Townsend Press Inc.

Lipschutz, G., Scarry, S & Scarry J. (2013). The Canadian Writer's Workplace. Toronto, ON: Nelson Education.



ENGU 0380
or ENGU placement test and interview





Course Guidelines

Course Guidelines for previous years are viewable by selecting the version desired. If you took this course and do not see a listing for the starting semester / year of the course, consider the previous version as the applicable version.

Course Transfers

These are for current course guidelines only. For a full list of archived courses please see

Institution Transfer Details for ENGU 0390
There are no applicable transfer credits for this course.

Course Offerings

Fall 2024