
Youth Justice Worker: Practicum 11

Applied Community Studies
Youth Justice
Course Code
YJWD 2340
Semester Length
6 weeks in block format
Max Class Size
30 ratio 1/8.6
Method(s) Of Instruction
Typically Offered
To be determined


Course Description
This course will provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate an ability to translate theory into practice. Each student will spend 180 hours in a youth justice professional work site under the supervision of the practicum supervisor and site manager. A series of integrative seminars (10 hours) will complement the site experience and allow students the opportunity to critically evaluate their experiences working with youth in the justice system.
Course Content

Learning Experience 1: Legal Case Study

Select a client with whom you have been working in your practicum and provide a chronological report of the client’s involvement in the system from a legal perspective.You must account for the following:

  • What statutes (federal and provincial) guided the actions of each official intervention on the part of the youth justice system?
  • Specify the sections of the statutes employed in each official intervention.
  • Where official sanctions have been imposed, specify how the sanction fits with the guidelines providing for such sanctions.
  • Identify any future legal obligations to be met by the client.

Learning Experience 2: Individual Case Study

  1. Provide an overview of a client’s or group of client’s current life situation, including:
    • individual development (physical, intellectual, emotional and social).
    • family circumstances.
    • educational/vocational development.
  2. Indicate what assistance/interventions you believe could benefit the client, and by whom you believe that service could be provided.

Learning Experience 3: Issues of Abuse

  1. Describe the psychological and emotional impact and the behavioural manifestations of abuse (emotional, physical or sexual) on a client in your setting. Specify what help you believe that client will require if s/he is to successfully resume a healthy developmental pathway.
  2. Describe one or more situations in your placement which you believe constituted actual or potential ethical dilemmas. Discuss what you believe to be both ethical and unethical responses to each situation, providing reasons to support your perspectives.
Learning Experience 4: Ethical Consideration 
A. Describe one or more situations in your placement which you believe constituted actual or 
potential ethical dilemmas. 
B. Discuss what you believe to be both ethical and unethical responses to each situation, providing 
reasons to support your perspectives. 

Learning Experience 4: Ethical Consideration 

  1. Describe one or more situations in your placement which you believe constituted actual or potential ethical dilemmas. 
  2. Discuss what you believe to be both ethical and unethical responses to each situation, providing reasons to support your perspectives. 

Learning Experience 5: Self Awareness

  1. Describe what you believe have been your strengths and weaknesses in this practicum experience.
  2. What implications do you believe these have for your career in the youth justice sector?
  3. Indicate what remediation, if any, you intend to pursue to address any difficulties you encountered in this placement.

Learning Experience 6: Group Work Skills

Purpose: This learning experience will allow the student to demonstrate an ability to work effectively with both staff and client groups.

Part 1: Staff Groups

The student will actively attempt to operate as a new team member in the setting. The only limitations in this respect should be those identified by the setting and will usually relate to legal or contractual matters beyond a student’s jurisdiction. In this role, the student is expected to participate in staff meetings, to ask questions and to share his/her own perspectives and insights regarding both clients and team process.

Part 1: Client Groups

The student will lead and/or co-lead group work exercises with the client groups. If at all possible, the student will design or adapt one or more group work exercise which will enhance the social or emotional functioning of the client group.

Part 2: Final Evaluation 

Working from prepared notes: (Please be prepared to share these with your site and college supervisors upon request.)

Staff Groups

Identify specific examples of where the student has acted in the role of a team member, giving specific examples of where the student has asked questions and shared his or her own perspectives and ideas regarding clients and team process.
Client Groups

Describe and evaluate the effectiveness of one or more group work sessions lead or co-lead by the student. The analysis should include clear reference to:

  1. The stage of group development at which the group was functioning and examples to support this observation.
  2. The roles occupied by various members of the group and examples to support these observations.
  3. Skills used by the leader(s) to facilitate the work of the group and examples to support these observations.


Provide a copy of your plan to your college supervisor.

Learning Activities
  • Community placement and supervision.
Means of Assessment

Selection of evaluation and assessment tools for this course will be based on:

  1. Adherence to college evaluation policy regarding number and weighting of evaluations, i.e., a course of three credits or more should include at least three separate evaluations.
  2. A combination of evaluation instruments that includes opportunities for students to demonstrate different ways of knowing, i.e., oral, individual, group, narrative, research.
  3. A developmental approach to evaluation that is sequenced and progressive.
  4. Evaluation being used as a teaching and learning tool for both students and instructors.
  5. Commitment to student participation in evaluation through such processes as self and peer evaluation, participation in instrument design and program/instructor evaluation.
  6. Evaluation on this practicum is two staged and designed to produce a letter grade in accordance with Â鶹ÊÓƵ grading policy:
  7. Stage I: An evaluation of the student’s ability to meet basic work expectations. The mastery level for this stage is 80% (32/40).  This stage is valued at 40% of the student’s final grade.

    Stage II: Providing the conditions are successfully met in Stage I, the student’s final grade will be arrived at by adding the mark achieved in the Basic Work Expectations to the mark achieved in the six learning experiences.  This stage is valued at 60% of the student’s final grade.

Learning Outcomes

This course will integrate into practice theory from Semesters II, III and IV of the Youth Justice Department:

  1. Learning from experience is a characteristic of exceptional practitioners.  Practicum settings create opportunities for students to refine their skills of reflection and adaptation in response to their practice experience.
  2.  Learning in a practicum setting provides opportunities to examine assumptions and to explore creative modes of inquiry that are not available in classroom settings.
  3. Field settings provide opportunities to synthesize personal, classroom, and previous practicum/work experiences and create openings for new learning.  Learners gain both insight and practice knowledge from field experiences.
  4. Observing, participating with, and receiving guidance from experienced practitioners is crucial for effective practice.
  5. Practitioners who regularly and accurately assess their performance and who set goals for their ongoing professional development are effective in their work.
  6. Knowledge shapes practice and practice shapes knowledge.  Learning from the previous practicum and the classroom are reflected in current practice.
  7. Experience in the field settings allows learners the opportunity to demonstrate and enhance their abilities to problem solve, be flexible, think creatively and take responsibility for their actions.  It provides them the opportunity to demonstrate increased skill and initiative.
  8. Reflecting on and evaluating  practicum experiences with peers, mentors and instructors maximizes field based learning experiences.

Textbook Materials

No Text required



YJWD 240 OR YJWD 1240


No corequisite courses.


No equivalent courses.

Course Guidelines

Course Guidelines for previous years are viewable by selecting the version desired. If you took this course and do not see a listing for the starting semester / year of the course, consider the previous version as the applicable version.

Course Transfers

These are for current course guidelines only. For a full list of archived courses please see

Institution Transfer Details for YJWD 2340
Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) No credit
Simon Fraser University (SFU) No credit
Trinity Western University (TWU) TWU SOCI 411 (3)
University of British Columbia - Vancouver (UBCV) No credit
University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) UFV CRIM 280 (6) or UFV CRIM 281 (6)

Course Offerings

Fall 2024