Roger Tweed

Position: Instructor

Department: Psychology/Social Science

Faculty: Humanities and Social Sciences

Office: NW N3454

Office Phone: (604) 527-5480


Education and Credentials

  • Ph.D., Social Psychology, University of British Columbia
  • M.A., Social Psychology, University of British Columbia
  • B.A., Psychology Honors, Business Minor, Simon Fraser University

Academic and Professional Profile

My research in recent years has focused on well-being. I’ve examined questions related to how psychology can measure, study, and adequately define well-being that is more than positive emotions and happiness. In my earlier work, I examined violence, bereavement, and some psychological manifestations of cultural differences.

Teaching Concentrations

Currently, I teach introductory psychology and also health psychology.


  • Psychology 1100: Introduction to Psychology (I)
  • Psychology 3304: Health Psychology

Open to Supervising Honours Students for 2022-23: YES

Selected Publications

Tweed, R. G., Mah, E. Y., Conway, L. G. (2020). Bringing coherence to positive psychology: Faith in humanity. The Journal of Positive Psychology. Advance online publication. doi:10.1080/17439760.2020.1725605

Wong, P. T. P. & Tweed, R. G. (in press). Positive psychology in North America. In E. C. Chang, C. Downey, H. Yang, I. Zettler, & M. Muyan (Eds.), International handbook of positive psychology: A global perspective on the science of positive human existence.

Tweed, R. G., Mah, E., Dobrin, M., Van Poele, R., & Conway, L. G. III (2017), How can positive psychology influence public policy and practice? In C. Proctor (Ed.), Positive psychology interventions in practice (pp. 257-271).

Cham, Switzerland: Springer. Proctor, C., & Tweed, R. G. (2016). Measuring eudaimonic well-being. In J. Vitterso (Ed.), Handbook of eudaimonic well-being (pp. 277-294).

Basel, Switzerland: Springer. Proctor, C., Tweed, R., & Morris, D. (2015). The naturally emerging structure of well-being among young adults: "Big Two" or other framework? Journal of Happiness Studies, 16(1), 257-275. DOI: 10.1007/s10902-014-9507-6

Tweed, R. G., Biswas-Diener, R., & Lehman, D. R. (2012). Self-perceived strengths among people who are homeless. Journal of Positive Psychology 7, 481-492. DOI: 10.1080/17439760.2012.719923. Available at

Tweed, R. G., Bhatt, G., Dooley, S., Spindler, A., Douglas, K. S., & Viljoen, J. (2011). Youth violence and positive psychology: Research potential through integration. Canadian Psychology, 52, 11-121. DOI: 10.1037/a0020695

Tweed, R. G., & Dutton, D. G. (1998). A comparison of impulsive and instrumental subgroups of batterers. Violence and Victims, 13, 217-230.